segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2008

Gírias - B (Slang)

baby boomer: a person born from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s.
"Stuart was born in 1961, so he's considered a baby boomer."

ball (1): a fun time.
"I really had a ball in my Math class."

ball [offensive] (2): a testicle.
"After getting kicked in the balls, his voice seemed much higher."

bang (1): a very powerful thing.
"Disneyland is really a bang!"

bang (2): a powerful effect.
"Japanese sake really has a bang!"

barf (1): vomit.
"My dog barfed all over the carpet."

barf (2): vomit.
"Don't step on the barf!"

barf-out: a displeasing person or affair.
"That restaurant was a real barf-out."

bazillion: an infinite number of something.
"Has Dennis really taught a bazillion students?"

B-ball: basketball.
"Do you wanna play b-ball with me?"

beans: money.
"I've worked for this company for ten years, but I still don't have beans."

beat: tired.
"I'm really beat because I was awake all night."

beemer: a BMW.
"He wants to buy a beemer when he makes more money."

biggie: something important.
"I was hoping to get my homework completed, but it's no biggie. "

biker: a motorcycle rider.
"David used to be a biker until he got into a serious motorcycle accident."

bitch [offensive] (1): a very unpleasant woman.
"My boss can be such a bitch sometimes."

bitch [offensive] (2): complain.
"Stop bitching and finish your homework!"

bitchy [offensive]: moody.
"I like my friend Steve, even though he can be really bitchy."

bod: body.
"Stalone has a great bod!"

bonkers; go bonkers: crazy.
"If Mark works too hard, he sometimes goes slightly bonkers!"

booboo: a mistake.
"I made a booboo on the last question of the exam."

boob tube: television.
"Benjamin is always in front of the boob tube."

booze: alcohol.
"The party was fun, even though there wasn't any booze."

boss: excellent; great.
"That restaurant is totally boss!"

bread: money.
"Can I borrow some bread?"

brew (1): coffee.
"Every morning Andrew needs a fresh cup of brew."

brew (2): beer.
"Do you want another brew, dude?"

brewski: beer.
"I love drinking brewskies!"

B.S.: bullshit; lies.
"I'm tired of listening to your B.S."

bull: bullshit; lie.
"That's a bunch of bull!"

bullshit [offensive]: lie; dishonesty.
"I don't like people that bullshit me"

buns [possibly offensive]: the rear end; buttocks.
"Don't stare at my buns!"

bushed: extremely tired.
"I'm completely bushed."

butt: the buttocks.
"Stop sitting on your butt and help me wash the dishes!"

Gírias - A (Slang)

airhead: stupid person.
"Believe it or not, David can sometimes act like an airhead!"

amigo: friend (from Spanish).
"I met many amigos at that cafe."

ammunition: toilet paper.
"Help! We're completely out of ammunition!"

antifreeze: alcohol.
"I'm going to need a lot of antifreeze tonight!"

armpit: dirty, unappealing place.
"This cheap motel is an absolute armpit!"

ass [offensive] (1): backside.
"I fell on my ass on the ski slopes."

ass (2): an unworthy and hated person.
"I cannot be friends when you act like an ass."

awesome: great and impressive.
"This school is truly awesome!"


quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2008

F.R.I.E.N.D.S.- Joey "learns" French

Phoebe: All right, it seems pretty simple. Your first line is "My name is Claude", so, just repeat after me. "Je m'appelle Claude".
Joey: Je de coup Clow.
Phoebe: Well, just... let's try it again.
Joey: Ok.
Phoebe: Je m'appelle Claude.
Joey: Je depli mblue.
Phoebe: Uh. It's not... quite what I'm saying.
Joey: Really? It sounds exactly the same to me.
Phoebe: It does, really?
Joey: Yeah.
Phoebe: All right, let’s just try it again. Really listen.
Joey: Got it.
Phoebe: Je m'appelle Claude.
Joey: Je te flouppe Fli.
Phoebe: Oh, mon Dieu!
Joey: Oh, de fuff!

Phoebe: Je m'appelle Claude.
Joey: Je do call blue!
Phoebe: Noooo! Ok, maybe if we just break it down. Ok, let's try one syllable at a time. Ok? So repeat after me. "je".
Joey: je.
Phoebe: m'ap
Joey: mah
Phoebe: pelle
Joey: pel.
Phoebe: Great, ok faster! "je"
Joey: je.
Phoebe: m'ap
Joey: mah
Phoebe: pelle
Joey: pel.
Phoebe: Je m'appelle!
Joey: Me pooh pooh!
Phoebe: Ok, it's too hard, I can't teach you!
Joey: What are you doing?
Phoebe: I, I have to go before I put your head through a wall.
Joey: Don't move! Don't go! I need you! My audition is tomorrow! Shah blue blah! Me lah peeh! Ombrah! Pooh.

Tape: We will now count from one to five. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq.
Joey: Huh, un, blu, bla, flu, flenk!
Tape: Good job.
Joey: Thank you.
Phoebe: Hey Joey.
Joey: Hey!
Phoebe: Listen, I feel really badly about yesterday and I thought about it a lot and, and I know, I was too impatient. SO let’s try it again.
Joey: Oh, no, that's okay, I don't need your help. I worked on it myself and I gotta say, I am pretty good!
Phoebe: Really, can I hear some of it?
Joey: Sure, sure. Ok, "Bleu de la bleu, de la blu bla bleu" See?
Phoebe: Well, you're not, you're not... you're not... again, you're not SPEAKING FRENCH!
Joey: Oh well I think I am, yeah and I think I'm definitely gonna get the part.
Phoebe: How could you possibly think that?
Joey: For one thing, the guy on the tape said I was doing a good job!

Director: Whenever you're ready Joey.
Joey: Right. Dja bu bu Claude. Uh, c'est la pu les la lu blah bloo.
Casting assistant: I'm sorry, what's going on?
Joey: Dude, come on! French it up!
Director: Joey, do you speak French?
Joey: Toutes la smore! Bu blu-ay bloo blah ooh! Pfoof!
Director: You know what. I think this audition is over.
Phoebe: Uh, excuse me. Uh, I am Reginé Philange. I was passing by when I heard this man speaking the regional dialect of my French town of Estée Lauder.
Director: You really think this man is speaking French?
Joey: Sa-sa-saw!
Phoebe: Écoutez, je vais vous dire la vérité. C'est mon petit frère. Il est un peu retardé. (Translation: Listen, I will tell you the truth. He's my little bother. He's a bit retarded.)
Phoebe: Alors, si vous pouviez jouer le jeu avec lui... (Translation: So, would you please just humor him?)
Director: Good job, little buddy. That was some really good French. But I think we're gonna go with someone else for the part.
Joey: Ah. All right. But my French was good?
Director: It was great.
Joey: Oh-hoh! Ha-hah! See!
Phoebe: Merci. Au revoir. (Translation: Thanks, goodbye.)
Joey: Yeah-hah. Toute-de-le-fruit.

segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2008

Verbos - 3ª pessoa do singular

Os pronomes na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) possuem uma regra diferente na conjugação do verbo. Acrescenta-se o “S” no final do verbo em frases afirmativas no presente. Veja o exemplo abaixo.

He works / She works/It works

No inglês é muito fácil conjugar verbos, diferente do português, que devemos mudar o verbo de acordo com cada pronome pessoal.

Dica: Somente na TERCEIRA PESSOA do singular você irá colocar o “S” no final do verbo, nos outros pronomes basta apenas conjugá-lo.

Os verbos terminados em -y, precedidos de consoante, perdem o -y e recebem –ies.

Ex: to study - She studies/ he studies

Os verbos terminados em -y, precedidos de vogal, recebem –s.

Ex: to play - She plays/ he plays

Os verbos terminados em s, ss, sh, ch, x, o ou z, recebem –es.

Ex: to kiss - She kisses/he kisses; to reach - She reaches/ he reaches; to finish - She finishes/ he finishes; to fix - She fixes/ he fixes; to do - She does/ he does/; to buzz - it buzzes

Plural dos substantivos


Regra geral: Acrescenta-se um -S ao singular
book - books river - rivers
garden - gardens table - tables

* Casos que fogem à regra geral.
1. Os substantivos que terminam em S, SS, SH, X, CH, e Z formam o plural acrescentando-se o -ES.
bus - buses box - boxes class – classes church - churches

2. Substantivos terminados em consoante + Y perdem o Y e acrescenta-se - IES.
city - cities family - families

3. A maior parte dos substantivos que terminam em -F, -FE, perdem F e FE e acrescenta-se - VES.
loaf - loaves wife - wives

4. Formas irregulares

man - men woman - women child - children person -people
tooth - teeth foot - feet mouse - mice sheep - sheep
fish - fish

Presidentes norte-americanos

domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2008

Cartas do baralho


Você já se perguntou como se referir à bodas (wedding anniversaries) em inglês?
Aí vai:

Iron Maiden

Você sabe qual a origem do nome da banda "Iron Maiden"?

"A Donzela de Ferro"

A história da tortura registra muitos instrumentos em forma de sarcófago antropomorfo com pregos em seu interior, que, ao fechar-se a porta, penetravam no corpo da vítima. O exemplo mais conhecido foi a chamada "donzela de ferro" de Nuremberg, exemplar do final do século XV, reprodução aperfeiçoada de exemplares mais antigos. O aparelho foi destruído quando Nuremberg foi bombardeada, em 1944. A Dama de Ferro era aplicada aos autores de crimes contra o Estado, que não fossem de lesa-majestade, e também nos casos de mulheres adúlteras e de jovens ou viúvas que não mantivessem sua castidade. Era também usada como instrumento de interrogatório, em casos específicos de mulheres suspeitas de bruxaria ou comércio com as forças do Inferno. Nesse caso do interrogatório, era usada especialmente em mulheres, pois julgava-se que estas poderiam suportá-la melhor que outros métodos e por deixar poucas ou nenhuma marca visível, sendo, além disso, praticamente garantida a confissão da acusada.


Piadinha (Joke)

Pessoal, achei que a melhor forma de iniciar as postagens em nosso blog seria fazê-lo com uma piadinha.


"I never married, because there was no need. I have three pets at home which answer the same purpose as a husband: I have a dog that growls every morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon, and a cat that comes home late every night." Marie Corelli
Tradução: Nunca me casei pois não havia necessidade. Tenho três animais de estimação que fazem o mesmo papel de um marido: um cão que rosna toda manhã, um papagaio que xinga a tarde toda e um gato que vem para casa tarde toda noite.
